

package utils

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractLabeledImage[L] extends AnyRef

    Represents a labeled image.

  2. case class ByteArrayVectorizedImage(vectorizedImage: Array[Byte], metadata: ImageMetadata) extends VectorizedImage with Product with Serializable

    Wraps a byte array, where a byte is a color channel value.

  3. case class ChannelMajorArrayVectorizedImage(vectorizedImage: Array[Double], metadata: ImageMetadata) extends VectorizedImage with Product with Serializable

    VectorizedImage that indexed as follows: The pixel value for (x, y, channelIdx) is at channelIdx + x*numChannels + y*numChannels*xDim.

  4. case class ColumnMajorArrayVectorizedImage(vectorizedImage: Array[Double], metadata: ImageMetadata) extends VectorizedImage with Product with Serializable

    VectorizedImage that is indexed as follows: The pixel value for (x, y, channelIdx) is at y + x*yDim + channelIdx*yDim*xDim

  5. class Coordinate extends AnyRef

  6. class CoordinateValue extends AnyRef

  7. trait Image extends AnyRef

    A wrapper trait for images that might be stored in various ways.

  8. case class ImageMetadata(xDim: Int, yDim: Int, numChannels: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains metadata about the storage format of an image.

  9. case class LabeledImage(image: Image, label: Int, filename: Option[String] = scala.None) extends AbstractLabeledImage[Int] with Product with Serializable

    A labeled image.

  10. case class MultiLabeledImage(image: Image, label: Array[Int], filename: Option[String] = scala.None) extends AbstractLabeledImage[Array[Int]] with Product with Serializable

    A multilabeled image.

  11. case class RowColumnMajorByteArrayVectorizedImage(vectorizedImage: Array[Byte], metadata: ImageMetadata) extends VectorizedImage with Product with Serializable

    Wraps a double array.

  12. case class RowMajorArrayVectorizedImage(vectorizedImage: Array[Double], metadata: ImageMetadata) extends VectorizedImage with Product with Serializable

    VectorizedImage which is indexed as follows: The pixel value for (x, y, channelIdx) is at x + y*xDim + channelIdx*xDim*yDim.

  13. trait VectorizedImage extends Image

    Helper trait for implementing Images that wrap vectorized representations of images.

Value Members

  1. object ImageConversions

  2. object ImageUtils extends Logging

  3. object MLlibUtils

    Provides conversions between MLlib vectors & matrices, and Breeze vectors & matrices

  4. object MatrixUtils extends Serializable

    A collection of utilities useful for matrices.

  5. object Stats extends Serializable

  6. package external
