

package images

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CenterCornerPatcher(patchSizeX: Int, patchSizeY: Int, horizontalFlips: Boolean) extends FunctionNode[RDD[Image], RDD[Image]] with Product with Serializable

    Extract four corner patches and the center patch of the specified size.

  2. class Convolver extends Transformer[Image, Image]

    Convolves images with a bank of convolution filters.

  3. case class Cropper(startX: Int, startY: Int, endX: Int, endY: Int) extends Transformer[Image, Image] with Product with Serializable

    Crop an input image to the given bounding box described by (startX, startY, endX, endY).

  4. class DaisyExtractor extends Transformer[Image, DenseMatrix[Float]]

    Computes DAISY feature descriptors as specified in [1].

  5. case class FisherVector(gmm: GaussianMixtureModel) extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] with FisherVectorInterface with Product with Serializable

    Implements a fisher vector.

  6. trait FisherVectorInterface extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]]

    Abstract interface for Fisher Vector.

  7. case class GMMFisherVectorEstimator(k: Int) extends OptimizableEstimator[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] with Product with Serializable

    Trains either a scala or an enceval Fisher Vector implementation, via estimating a GMM by treating each column of the inputs as a separate DenseVector input to GaussianMixtureModelEstimator

  8. class HogExtractor extends Transformer[Image, DenseMatrix[Float]]

    Histogram of Gradients (HoG)

  9. class LCSExtractor extends Transformer[Image, DenseMatrix[Float]]

    Computes the local color statistic of (LCS) on a regular spaced grid [1]: ".

  10. class Pooler extends Transformer[Image, Image]

    This node takes an image and performs pooling on regions of the image.

  11. case class RandomImageTransformer(chance: Double, transform: (Image) ⇒ Image, seed: Long = 12334L) extends Transformer[Image, Image] with Product with Serializable

    Transform an image with the given probability

  12. case class RandomPatcher(numPatches: Int, patchSizeX: Int, patchSizeY: Int, seed: Long = 12334L) extends FunctionNode[RDD[Image], RDD[Image]] with Product with Serializable

    Extract uniformly random patches from an image

  13. trait SIFTExtractorInterface extends Transformer[Image, DenseMatrix[Float]]

    Abstract interface for SIFT extractor.

  14. case class ScalaGMMFisherVectorEstimator(k: Int) extends Estimator[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] with Product with Serializable

    Trains a scala Fisher Vector implementation, via estimating a GMM by treating each column of the inputs as a separate DenseVector input to GaussianMixtureModelEstimator

  15. case class SymmetricRectifier(maxVal: Double = 0.0, alpha: Double = 0.0) extends Transformer[Image, Image] with Product with Serializable

  16. class Windower extends FunctionNode[RDD[Image], RDD[Image]]

Value Members

  1. object Convolver extends Serializable

  2. object GrayScaler extends Transformer[Image, Image]

    Converts an input images to NTSC-standard grayscale.

  3. object ImageExtractor extends Transformer[LabeledImage, Image]

    Extracts an image from a labeled image.

  4. object ImageVectorizer extends Transformer[Image, DenseVector[Double]]

    Takes an image and converts it to a dense vector.

  5. object LabelExtractor extends Transformer[LabeledImage, Int]

    Extracts a label from a labeled image.

  6. object MultiLabelExtractor extends Transformer[MultiLabeledImage, Array[Int]]

    Extracts a label from a multi-labeled image.

  7. object MultiLabeledImageExtractor extends Transformer[MultiLabeledImage, Image]

    Extracts an image from a multi-labeled image.

  8. object PixelScaler extends Transformer[Image, Image]

    Rescales an input image from [0 .

  9. package external
