Extract four corner patches and the center patch of the specified size.
Convolves images with a bank of convolution filters.
Crop an input image to the given bounding box described by (startX, startY, endX, endY).
Computes DAISY feature descriptors as specified in [1].
Implements a fisher vector.
Abstract interface for Fisher Vector.
Trains either a scala or an enceval
Fisher Vector implementation, via
estimating a GMM by treating each column of the inputs as a separate
DenseVector input to GaussianMixtureModelEstimator
Histogram of Gradients (HoG)
Computes the local color statistic of (LCS) on a regular spaced grid [1]: ".
This node takes an image and performs pooling on regions of the image.
Transform an image with the given probability
Extract uniformly random patches from an image
Abstract interface for SIFT extractor.
Trains a scala Fisher Vector implementation, via estimating a GMM by treating each column of the inputs as a separate DenseVector input to GaussianMixtureModelEstimator
Converts an input images to NTSC-standard grayscale.
Extracts an image from a labeled image.
Takes an image and converts it to a dense vector.
Extracts a label from a labeled image.
Extracts a label from a multi-labeled image.
Extracts an image from a multi-labeled image.
Rescales an input image from [0 .