case classNGramsCounts[T](mode: NGramsCountsMode.Value = NGramsCountsMode.Default)(implicit evidence$3: ClassTag[T]) extends FunctionNode[RDD[Seq[Seq[T]]], RDD[(NGram[T], Int)]] with Product with Serializable
A simple transformer that represents each ngram as an NGram and counts
their occurrence. Returns an RDD[(NGram, Int)] that is sorted by frequency
in descending order.
This implementation may not be space-efficient, but should handle commonly-sized
workloads well.
A simple transformer that represents each ngram as an NGram and counts their occurrence. Returns an RDD[(NGram, Int)] that is sorted by frequency in descending order.
This implementation may not be space-efficient, but should handle commonly-sized workloads well.
a control flag defined in NGramsCountsMode